Drums from an ethereal land beat in my soul.
The rhythm is clear but the destination is unknown.
So I march one day at a time hoping and believing
that when my time on Earth is done I would not have marched in vain.
Be faithful to the beat one day at a time, I’m told
soon enough the fog will lift and the you will see the reason for being.
And so I patiently wait, driving myself to uncover the beauty of every moment, the fullness of every day
and I wait…
But I don’t wait alone…not anymore.
Just when the drum beat was starting to fade
I found a lover, companion and friend.
She is the fuel that keeps me marching, the reason for my being.
And now our house if filled with the laughter of two little angels
and our lives are filled to overflowing with the joy of these gifts.
Who would have thought that the journey would be this much fun?
So, will I ever reach the land of the beating drums?
Will the incessant call to greatness ever lead me to great things?
Who knows but one thing I do know
I love marching arm and arm between two angels and a friend.