Mr. Obama would like us to think that Honest Abe is making a comeback in 2008. Now, I like Obama and might even vote for him despite his obvious lack of political experience but he is no Abe Lincoln. Then again, nobody is like Abe Lincoln...a man who rose out of nothing, overcame insurmountable odds, had nothing really going for him and yet was somehow able to strike a balance between the eradication of evil and preservation of a Union...the exactly right person for that moment when our country teetered on the edge of collapse. To measure yourself against Abe Lincoln even by geographical association is by default falling short of his greatness because history seems to indicate that Lincoln did not spend lots of time measuring himself against anyone, he marched to his own beat.
Yesterday some of us were discussing the new book "Team of Rivals" and the conversation came around to whether or not Abe would have been elected if he ran today. The obvious conclusion around the table was that he wouldn´t have a shot in hell. He did not posses the looks, charisma, political connections, star power, etc. that a modern day presidential candidate needs to make a legitimate run for the presidency.
Obviously, it´s silly to lament the fact that Abe would not be elected in today´s political environment since there is no way to gauge whether he would actually be the right guy for the problems that our nation is facing today but it does leave me also wondering if "the right guy" would be elected in today´s world. What mean by "the right guy" is the person who is the most qualified to lead America through the unique set of challenges and opportunities that it´s facing today. Here are my thoughts on some of those challenges.
1. Terror
I remember as a child in Colombia hearing every day about some new bomb or kidnapping or atrocity. It was not foreign for us to hear about the babies being killed and filled with cocaine in order to smuggle cocaine into the US or the local policeman having his daughter kidnapped only to find her in an alley a few weeks later missing her eyes or to have the bulk of the Chief Justices gunned down. When my family moved back to the US, I was amazed and in awe that we could walk through K-Mart with no fear of a bomb or through the Mall with no fear of being kidnapped.
The sad fact is that the world that I found in 1983 does not really exist anymore. I guess it´s inevitable that in the next decade, some crazed extremist will detonate something in a public place, the question is where and when. The problem is that our tactics for fighting terror are as outdated as the American Indian´s tactics for fighting for their land using bows and arrows. Our next president needs to worry more about learning how to fight terror at its roots of poverty and ignorance and being a symbol of courage during those times when an extremist attacks one of our malls rather than whether he/she pisses off the right or left wing.
2. Global Perception
I love the US. I love it´s history, I love it´s freedom. I love what the US has done for the rest of the world in the short time that it´s existed. In summary, I am a huge fan.
Unfortunately, as I travel around the world, the glimpses of America that I see is not the America I love. The fat, obnoxious, loud, ignorant man/woman in the sweat pants with a fanny pack around his/her fat waist is so common that it´s become a cliche. I cringe when I enter a US international airport and the line separates into citizens vs. non-citizens because what is left in the "citizens" line is not something I am proud of joining. Why do I bring this up? Well, when you couple that with the view that the mainstream media is portraying of the US, it becomes food for the hateful and ignorant.
The US is in a desperate need of a PR job and not just so we can feel better about people loving us. Hell, who cares if people like us or not! What is important is that we need to stop feeding the hatred. We in the US have really no idea how easy it is for people who dislike the US, have a limited education, are poor and hungry and have no reason for living to have the dislike turn into gut wrenching hatred. And you know what? We are so angry at Mr. Bush for ruining our image abroad that we attack him with hatred and that in turn validates the hatred that people feel towards our country.
We have such a HUGE opportunity to make a major, major difference in the lives of people all over the world with our resources. Our next president needs to help divert the focus of our beloved country from escalating greed to contagious compassion. He/she needs to galvanize this nation around helping the unfortunate, not spend his/her time wining and dining the lobbyist.
3. Political Divide
Simply put, we need a president who has the courage to do what is right for our country, not what is right for the Republican or Democratic party. I think the country (I know I am) is so sick of the bickering, hatred, tearing apart that exists in Washington and wants someone to focus on moving our country forward regardless of political affiliation.
4. Our Poor
You don´t have to go to Sudan or Darfur to find poverty, just drive over to the "wrong side of the tracks" once in a while. I know our country was founded on the philosophy that anyone can succeed with enough blood, sweat and tears. Hell, I´ve never taken a handout from the government, had nothing as a kid and yet somehow find myself better off than 75% of the rest of America. But, this is no excuse for ignoring those who don´t have the will to bleed, sweat and cry. Oh, I hate giving up hard earned money to help out those "lazy bastards" who refuse to hold down a job but honestly, I don´t feel any better hearing the kaching! of the cash register at Best Buy as I purchase yet another electronic that I will use maybe 2 times this year. From that perspective, is money used to help out those who can´t help themselves less honorably spent that money spent feeding the Greed Machine in the US?
We need a president who genuinely cares about our poor and our underprivileged. Let me ask, with the amount of wealth that we have in the US, is there any reason why any child should ever starve? that any person should be refused treatment at a hospital? I think not.
5. Environment and Natural Resources
I left this topic until last because it´s such a hot topic in the Media today. It´s "sexy" to be environmentally friendly. However, the truth is that America is recklessly consuming what little resources we have. We can turn a judgemental eye at the Chinese and Indians (from India) because of their population and lack of conservation but we will never be able to stand in judgement while still consuming more resources than those two countries combined. The sad fact is that we have the brains, innovation, technology and money to radically make a difference on this front if we can just get a president who will lead in this area and not worry about those fat, arrogant, despicable kings of the oil industry! This will take, perhaps, the greatest courage of all.
We need another Abe...not Abe the man, but Abe the perfect leader for a crucial time in our country. Unfortunately, I don´t know if the political machine will allow him/her to be elected.
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Good post.
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