Thursday, September 25, 2008


Is there anyone else besides myself that finds it sadly humorous that this Administration embarked on a 600 Billion dollar journey (originally was supposed to cost no more than $80B) to look for WMDs in Iraq and all along the Weapons of Mass Destruction were located a few buildings away from the Trade Center in the offices of Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, Freddie Mae, Freddie Mac, Goldman, etc. These "dirty bombs" of gluttony, greed, irresponsibility and yes, even fraud are the WMFDs (Weapons of Mass Financial Destruction) that are threatening to bring this proud country to its knees in a way that no Al-Qaeda dirty bomb could. Now, us, the American tax payers have to step in and bail out these houses of financial worship. LET THEM BURN! Where was Washington when thousands of companies went bankrupt when the Dot-com bubble burst? Nobody submitted a bailout plan for WorldCom, Enron, AOL, Global Crossings, etc. because they knew that their demise was primarily their own fault and that our economy would be better off without them. I understand that our economy will probably go through a major correction or even depression if the government does not intervene but isn't that survival of the fittest?

I remember just about a year ago when these financial houses were making record earnings and doling out unprecedented bonus packages. There was such an infusion of wealth in NYC that the city ran out of yachts, exotic cars, high priced condos, etc. Now, not 18 months later we the struggling tax payers are asked to step in and bail their greedy asses out? No damn way! LET THEM BURN! At least in the Great Depression there were bankers jumping out of buildings which meant that they were feeling the pain. Now if a banker jumps off a building, it's because he/she is doing some base jumping. How times have changed.

What pisses me off the most is that I find myself unable to believe a word that the current administration is telling us about this crisis. Hell, the reasoning for invading Iraq was pretty damn airtight, wasn't it? Anyone remember Colin Powell in front of the UN with the satellite photos? Seven years after that pack of lies and after having sucked $600 Billion from our economy (imagine if we had that money now to spend salvaging our economy) we are being fed these irrefutable facts that if we don't mortgage our future then the economy will collapse. What if they are wrong just like they were about Iraq? What if we go with this bailout and they underestimate it the way they did the war ($80B to $600B)? Will we be left with a 2 or 3 Trillion dollar problem? And, what if they're wrong and our economy is capable of handling such a dramatic correction? I fear that we will be mortgaging the future of this great country to bail out a handful of greedy bastards. Hey Paulson and Bernake, why don't you donate a proportional amount to this bailout? If in the end it costs me $30,000 to bail out these banks (10% of my net worth) then each of you should pony up at least $100M each. Feel our pain!

Unfortunately, in the end, this bailout will pass. These banks will stabilize and in 5 years be recording record profits. The USD will continue to drop in value and my dreams of realizing the American Dream will haunt me until I'm 75 and working as a porter at a swank hotel somewhere opening the doors to some smug, filthy rich, calloused banker who just might or might not throw me a Yaun as a tip.

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